
Soft, 9789960861593, Darussalam, Darussalam Research Center, english, 40, 12x17
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Book Overview:

"At-Tawassul" is a concise and informative treatise outlining the concept of tawassul in Islam, which refers to the practice of seeking to draw nearer to Allah (SWT) through specific, sanctioned means. Published by the Darussalam Research Center and presented in just 40 pages, this book simplifies a complex theological subject for readers, offering a clear understanding of its application within the religion. Aimed at adult Muslims and students of Islamic knowledge, it provides an illuminating exploration of this important aspect of spiritual life, grounded in scriptural evidence and scholarly discourse.

Author Bio:

The Darussalam Research Center is composed of a group of Islamic scholars dedicated to producing well-researched, authentic Islamic literature. Their publications are characterized by a commitment to presenting traditional Islamic knowledge in formats that are relevant and useful for contemporary discourse. Through meticulous scholarship and adherence to the Quran and Sunnah, the Center's works address various aspects of Islamic life and theology, making them invaluable to Muslims across the globe. 


Main Features:

  • An illuminating discussion of the concept and types of tawassul, or spiritual means in seeking nearness to Allah (SWT).
  • Compact and accessible softcover format measuring 12x17 cm for easy portability and reference.
  • A brief 40-page read, making it approachable for a quick but comprehensive study.
  • Authored by the reputable Darussalam Research Center, ensuring accurate and authentic information.
  • Presented in English, catering to a broad audience seeking clarity on religious practices.


Khalid Mahmood
A Scholarly Journey into Islamic Intermediation
"At-Tawassul" serves as a vital scholarly resource for Muslims seeking a deeper comprehension of intercessory practices within their faith. This work, by the esteemed Darussalam Research Center, carefully dissects the parameters and etiquettes of tawassul in a manner that is both informative and easily graspable for adult readers.
Layla Al-Saadi
Essence of Islamic Intercession Explored
The profound practice of tawassul is presented in "At-Tawassul" with the explicit purpose of guiding English-speaking adults towards understanding this aspect of supplication and closeness to Allah. The Darussalam Research Center has compiled a meaningful examination of this spiritual facet, providing clarity and authenticity rooted in Islamic tradition.
Aisha Rashid
Clarifying Tawassul for the Faithful Seeker
Darussalam Research Center's "At-Tawassul" provides an essential exposition of intercession from an Islamic viewpoint, aimed at enhancing the devotional life of the contemporary believer. This modest yet essential booklet is especially beneficial for those looking to enrich their du'a and connection with the Divine through the recommended practices of tawassul.
Asim Al-Hakim
Unveiling the Purposes and Merits of Tawassul
“At-Tawassul,” curated by Darussalam Research Center, is a concise and enlightening publication clarifying the Islamic concept of seeking proximity to Allah. This softcover English book explores the permissible and recommended means of tawassul, delineating its role and significance in a Muslim's spiritual practice.
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