Descent of Jesus Christ

Soft, 9786035000222, Darussalam, Dr. Mohammad Muhsin Khan, english, 64, 8x12
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Book Overview:

"Descent of Jesus Christ" is a focused exposition compiled by Dr. Mohammad Muhsin Khan on one of Islam's significant eschatological figures: Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him). Spanning 64 pages, the booklet synthesizes Quranic verses and authentic Hadiths to present a clear narrative about the anticipated return of Jesus. It offers readers a comprehensive understanding of his role in Islamic eschatology and the events surrounding the End of Times. The inclusion of Biblical references in the last chapter provides an interfaith dimension to the discourse on the signs of the Last Hour.

Author Bio:

Dr. Mohammad Muhsin Khan, the compiler of "Descent of Jesus Christ," is well-regarded for his contributions to Islamic scholarship, particularly for his translation and commentary of the Quran and Hadith literature. A doctor by training and a scholar by passion, Dr. Khan's works are recognized for their authenticity and adherence to traditional Islamic scholarship. His meticulous compilation in this booklet serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the Islamic view on a topic that bridges faiths.


Main Features:

  • A focused study on the descent of Jesus Christ as foretold in Islamic texts.
  • Compilation of authoritative Islamic scripture and prophetic traditions.
  • Insightful cross-references with Biblical passages.
  • Pocket-sized (8X12 cm) soft cover for easy portability and access.
  • Essential reading for those interested in Islamic eschatology and comparative religion.
  • ISBN 9786035000222, for easy referencing and cataloging.


Leyla Hussain
Solid Content, Needs Better Structuring.
I found the insights in ‘Descent of Jesus Christ’ to be quite profound and well-researched. My critique lies in its structure, which could be improved for easier navigation through the topics. Adding a Q&A section for common queries might enhance its usability.
Ibrahim Al-Masri
A Scholarly Exploration of Prophetic Eschatology
"Descent of Jesus Christ" is a succinct yet profound work by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, providing Islamic perspectives on the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him). This booklet concisely brings together verses from the Qur'an, Hadith, and even references from the Bible, offering a comprehensive view on an essential topic of Islamic eschatology.
John Abdullah
Bridging Doctrines: A Comparative Religious Perspective
This enlightening booklet not only addresses Islamic teachings regarding the descent of Jesus Christ but also skillfully presents a dialogue between Islamic and Christian literature on the matter. For adults seeking an in-depth understanding of this significant event, Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan offers a comprehensive and reference-rich exploration.
Ayesha Kareem
Enlightening and Detailed Examination.
This book offers an enlightening examination of Jesus Christ's descent from an Islamic perspective. The author's comprehensive approach, citing Quranic verses and Hadiths, fosters a deeper appreciation of this pivotal event. Highly recommended for those seeking to expand their understanding.
Ahmed Abdullah
A Thought-Provoking Read on Eschatological Beliefs.
‘Descent of Jesus Christ’ masterfully explores one of Islam's significant prophecies with depth and clarity. The text is meticulously researched, providing various scholarly interpretations while remaining accessible. It serves as an excellent resource for anyone looking to understand Islamic eschatology and Jesus’s role within it.
Karim El-Sayed
Informative but Dense.
‘Descent of Jesus Christ’ is an informative piece that delves into complex theological discussions. While the content is highly educational, the dense academic nature might make it challenging for lay readers. Perhaps future editions could include summaries or simplified explanations for broader accessibility.
Maryam Jameela
Unraveling the Mysteries of Divine Promise
"Descent of Jesus Christ" stands as a testament to the meticulous study of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. The booklet serves as a crucial guide for those looking to understand the profound prophecies of Islam concerning one of the most anticipated events in Islamic eschatology—the descent of Prophet Isa (AS).
Sarah Bint Mahmoud
Coalescing Scriptural Insights on the Second Coming
Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan's "Descent of Jesus Christ" is an invaluable resource for those seeking clarity on the prophecies concerning the end of times. It meticulously collates scriptural evidence, making it an essential read for believers interested in the signs of the Last Hour and the descent of Prophet Isa (AS).
Omar Farid
A Unique Perspective Grounded in Faith.
The book presents a unique perspective, grounded thoroughly in Islamic teachings, on an event eagerly awaited by Muslims and Christians alike. ‘Descent of Jesus Christ’ bridges knowledge gaps and unifies understanding across faiths. A more interactive layout with visuals could make this pivotal topic even more engaging.
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