History of Islam 3 Volume Set

Hard, 9789960892887, Darussalam, Akber Shah Najeebabadi, english, 640, 14x21
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2.3 kg
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Book Overview:  

The "History of Islam 3 Volume Set" is a comprehensive work by Akber Shah Najeebabadi that narrates the grand saga of the Islamic civilization. Spanning 640 pages, this trilogy provides an in-depth look into the political, social, and spiritual milestones of the Muslim Ummah from its genesis to the heights of its empires. It seeks to offer English-speaking readers accurate representation free from the biases often found in Western narratives about Islam's storied past.

Author Bio:  

Akber Shah Najeebabadi was an eminent Muslim historian dedicated to portraying the history of Islam with authenticity and academic integrity. His writing aims to correct misconceptions and provide a balanced version of history from an Islamic viewpoint. Najeebabadi's works are crucial for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, as they offer a comprehensive and factual depiction of the Islamic world's contributions to global heritage. His scholarship is characterized by a passion for enlightening readers about the truth of Islamic civilization's achievements and challenges.


Main Features:  

  • A meticulously researched trilogy presenting pivotal moments in Islamic history.
  • Consists of factual events and analysis, providing insights into the causes and effects that shaped Muslim history.
  • Hardcover bindings for each volume ensure longevity and durability for frequent use.
  • Authored in English, making valuable historical knowledge accessible to a wide audience.
  • Brought forth by a Muslim historian, offering a perspective from within the culture and religion.


Hassan Mirza
Impeccably researched, missing cultural nuances of Islam's golden era.
For academics and history enthusiasts, the 'History of Islam 3 Volume Set' is incredibly valuable, painting a detailed picture of Islamic historical developments. Adding more about the scientific and cultural contributions during Islam’s golden age would make it unparalleled.
Imaad al-Hashim
A masterful compendium of Islamic history presented with scholarly rigor.
The 'History of Islam 3 Volume Set' is an extraordinary work that charts the expansive terrain of Islamic history with rich detail and academic precision. It's a treasure trove for those seeking in-depth knowledge of the Muslim world’s legacy, and it’s written in a style that is both informative and captivating.
Noura Al Abed
Informatively heavy, a summarized version for beginners would be ideal.
A dedicated work that's evidently a product of exhaustive research, offering much to those familiar with Islamic history. As a newcomer, I found it rich yet somewhat overwhelming. A more concise edition could help bridge the gap for those with initial curiosity about the subject.
Ayesha Siddiqi
A reservoir of knowledge, slightly dense for the casual reader.
The series is a dense compilation that serves as an exhaustive study of Islamic history. The depth of information is impressive, though the narrative’s academic tone may pose a challenge for the casual reader. Excellent for those with a profound interest in Islamic heritage.
Lina Quraishi
Insightful yet calls for a more reader-friendly structure.
Deeply insightful and informative, this series provides a robust framework for understanding Islamic history. While the scholarship is commendable, a chronological flow would greatly enhance its accessibility. It’s a recommended read for serious students of Islamic history.
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