Islamic Studies - Grade 12 - Hard Cover - 22x32 - English

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The present series covers all areas of Islamic Studies: Tafseer, Hadeeth, Tawheed, Fiqh, Seerah and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations

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What is education? Is learning a skill the name of education? Would it be right to call material development education? Is it education to be aware of what the majority of people think is good? no! Not at all. As Muslims traditional education alone is not enough but we need to strive for a good Islamic education as well. Education is what connects you to your Creator by teaching you the difference between good and bad.

What kind of Islamic studies course is required? What do we teach our kids? Who will decide what is good and what is bad? Is what we consider good, also good in reality or not? For example, if it is common in a country, nation, or family not to respect the elders and no one objects to it, can you say that not respecting an elder is a good thing for that country, nation or family? Surely not.

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