"Sahih Al Bukhari" is the renowned compilation by Imam Bukhari, universally acknowledged as the most authentic book after the Qur’an. Its importance and status can be gauged by the vast amount of scholarly work done on it over the centuries. However, its structure and methodology—where Imam Bukhari often repeats the same hadith under various chapters to derive different jurisprudential rulings—pose a challenge for the general reader. Imam Zabidi addressed this issue in his work Tajrid al-Tasrih li Ahadith al-Jami al-Sahih by eliminating repetitive narrations and categorizing hadith under the most relevant chapters in an easily understandable manner.
Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hamad further enhanced the accessibility of this work by translating and condensing it into Mukhtasar Sahih Al Bukhari, presenting it in a fluent and engaging style. Brief but insightful notes at critical points further enhance the book’s utility.
Key Features:
Simplification of Sahih Al Bukhari: Imam Zabidi’s effort removes repetitive narrations, making the content concise and easily understandable.
Focused Categorization: Hadith are presented under chapters that clearly align with their context and subject.
Fluent and Accessible Translation: Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hamad's translation is smooth and engaging, catering to both scholars and general readers.
Enriched with Commentary: Concise and relevant annotations at significant points increase the book’s academic and practical value.
Compact and user-friendly: The work distills Sahih Al Bukhari into a more manageable format without compromising its essence.
Ideal for All Readers: Suitable for students, scholars, and laypersons seeking to benefit from Sahih Al Bukhari in a more streamlined way.
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