"101 Sahabiyat Stories and Dua" is a richly illustrated collection of 101 great stories of the female companions of the Prophet Muhammad, told in simple language that children will easily understand and relate to. Each story comes with delightful illustrations, a hadith and a beautiful prayer. The book includes well known tales of Khadija, Sawda, ‘Aisha, Safiyyah, Fatima, Maymoonah, and Umm Ayman, to name but a few. The shining examples set by them will greatly inspire readers. Special Features 101 interesting stories Delightful illustrations 101 beautiful prayers of the Quran and the Prophet Hadith and references.
Key Features:
=>101 Beautiful stories from the beautiful lives of the most respected women in the world which were being guided by prophet(PBUH).
=>Well known personalities among women who participated in spreading Islam like Khadija, Sawda, ‘Aisha, Safiyyah, Fatima, Maymoonah, and Umm Ayman.
=>Child friendly style by simple language and picture depiction.
=>Teaching supplication along with each story.
=>Role and Importance of women according to feministic point of view.
=>References from Quran and Hadith for each prayer.
=>The book is important in educational, spiritual and inspirational ways.
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