"Fath ul Bari" is the quintessential commentary on the renowned collection of hadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari. This 15-volume series, penned in Arabic by the distinguished Islamic scholar Al-Imam Al-Hafiz Ahmed Bin Ali Bin Hajar Al-Asqalani, spans a staggering 10,780 pages. It meticulously dissects and explains each hadith within Sahih Al-Bukhari, providing context, interpretation, and juristic rulings. Essential for scholars and students, this monumental work stands as one of the most comprehensive sources of hadith scholarship in the Islamic tradition.
Key Features:
- A 15-volume series offering in-depth commentary and analysis on the hadith compiled by Imam Al-Bukhari.
- Authored by one of the most respected hadith scholars, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, ensuring scholarly rigor and authenticity.
- Extensive in scope, with 10,780 pages, it forms a resourceful library on its own.
- Standard hardcover edition sized at 17x24cm, guaranteeing readability and endurance through extended use.
- Arabic language text catering to an audience with proficiency in Islamic scholarly language.
Author Bio:
Al-Imam Al-Hafiz Ahmed Bin Ali Bin Hajar Al-Asqalani, often referred to as Ibn Hajar, was a medieval Islamic scholar of great renown. Hailing from Cairo, Egypt, he was widely acknowledged as one of the most eminent authorities on hadith sciences of his time. His work "Fath ul Bari" is celebrated for its detailed explanations and remains one of the most important references for interpreting Sahih Al-Bukhari. Ibn Hajar's vast knowledge and intellectual contributions to Islamic thought have cemented his stature as an essential figure in the pantheon of Islamic scholarship.
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