"Tell Me About Hajj" The story of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, begins over 4000 years ago when, following the Divine command, the Prophet Ibrahim travelled for a long distance till he reached the hot, barren lands of Arabia. There he left his wife, Hagar, and his little baby, Ismail. The story goes on to tell how Hagar struggled to find water for her baby and how at last the miraculous Zamzam spring came gushing out and saved their lives. This is followed by the great sacrifice of Ibrahim, the building of the Kabah and the call to Hajj. This book explains the importance of the annual pilgrimage—one of the pillars of Islam—with a special focus on the Prophet Muhammad’s Hajj. These exciting historical events are presented in a simple, informative style, with beautiful illustrations, so that young people may understand and enjoy them.
Key Features:
Historical Insights
- Shares the story of Hajj, beginning with Prophet Ibrahim’s journey over 4000 years ago.
Focus on Key Events
- Covers significant moments like Hagar’s search for water, the miracle of Zamzam, Ibrahim’s sacrifice, and the building of the Ka'bah.
Explanation of Hajj’s Importance
- Highlights Hajj as one of the five pillars of Islam and its significance in Islamic faith.
Prophet Muhammad’s Hajj
- Provides insights into the Hajj performed by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Simple and Engaging Style
- Written in a way that is easy for young readers to understand and enjoy.
Beautiful Illustrations
- Includes vibrant and detailed artwork to enhance learning and engagement.
Educational Resource
- Perfect for teaching children about the history and significance of Hajj.
Inspiring for All Ages
- Encourages appreciation for the spiritual and historical importance of the pilgrimage.
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