The Book of Manners - Hard Cover - 14x21 - English

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An English book on good and bad manners by Faud Ibn Abdul Azeez Ash-Shuloob, published by Darussalam. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has guided mankind in the right way to live life along with the character traits and manners each should possess. The holy prophet (PBUH) guided us about the good manners of all worldly and religious acts including, worships, dealings, interacting with one’s family children, acquaintances,f and strangers. 
Readers will greatly benefit from this book which serves as a guide to teaching one the etiquettes of our daily actions and interactions.  The book has incorporated teachings from great scholars like bn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, Ibn Muflaih, and As-Safaareenee.

Manners are a way of doing something or a way of behaving, respect or it can be an external way of behaving for others. it is the basis of a person's success in his daily life where one can make a different place in the Muslim community. To treat others morally is to set them free in the way that Islam recommended us. It is not only an important part of our Islamic religion but also makes our social life more enjoyable. Behavior is not easy because it takes time.

Its importance according to the Quran;

“Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who believe! Call on the (divine) blessings and serve him with an altar (becoming). ” (Ex 33:56)

"Do not hold the office of Messenger (you) among yourselves as calling one to another…." (Ex 24:63)

Its significance according to the Hadith;

A Muslim cannot be a true Muslim if he performs all the forms of his worship, namely prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage, etc. in the best way but ignoring the most important aspect of his worship which is Adab or good morals. A person who offers his daily prayers in mosques at the right time and in the right way, but when it comes to dealing with other people in his daily life is a very bad person, he cannot be considered a true Muslim. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said of good manners in one of His hadiths in these words:

"Nothing is more difficult on the scale of deeds than the virtues of man" (Bukhari). Allah Almighty made him (PBUH) the best and most perfect example for human beings and He sent him only for the purpose of perfecting good manners. The virtues of good manners are reflected in various hadiths which point to the good and pleasing character of Allah Almighty and His Messenger the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) reminded one hadith: "The servants of Allah who are most beloved to Allah are those who have the best of habits." (Al-Bukhari)

Good manners or Adab consists of spreading the word of peace, restoring broken relationships between people, involving praying for our Muslim brothers and sisters, advising and calling on each other to do good and to forsake evil. Good manners are about respecting parents, elders, neighbors, and showing love and compassion to younger ones. Visiting the sick and avoiding bad things like gossip and slander include good conduct. Allah loves those who possess these great qualities.

loves those who possess these great qualities.

If one wants to achieve success it is because of good morals that all success can be achieved in this life. Good manners and a sense of morality can prevent us from falling into sin. So we should all ask Allah Almighty to make us follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and treat people the way He (SAW) deals with us. Allah Almighty made it an integral part of our faith without it. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) says: "The most perfect believers in faith are those who have the best character." (Tirmidhi)

In short, Habits are essential to fulfilling our faith and our social life. May Allah Almighty give us the strength to improve our habits and try to imitate them! Ameen


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