Trials & Tribulations

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"A believer may face many trials and tribulations that test his faith, patience and endurance.In a world full of conflict and war, with many also suffering from personal and family problems, Shaytan causes a person to question many things. If a Muslim is tried with a difficulty, then the reasons for this are many - including one's own sin, which arise from leaving something obligated in Islam or committing an act that is prohibited. Trials are also a means of Allah purifying and aiding His servants, ennobling them and granting well. being through His Wisdom. The most severely of those who were tried were the Prophets and then those closest to them in following their guidance.The Companions of Prophet Muhammad SE suffered at the hands of their enemies; they were eventually forced from their homes, leaving their possessions behind. The enemies multiplied, and on occasions they were physically overcome and defeated, with many martyred. The Messenger of Allah &5 himself received injury while his enemies rejoiced and his associates despaired. They lived in a constant state of fear, destitution and poverty- tying rocks to their stomachs out of sever hunger.The state of hardship causes the servant to turn to Allah, Mighty and Magnificent. Often the state of case, well-being and blessings cause a person to turn away from Allah. In tribulations, trials, misfortunes and calamities lay numerous wisdoms and benefits, having differing degrees of relevance, in accordance to the various ranks of people. Some believers are afflicted with tribulation to such an extent that they end up walking on the earth with no trace of sin remaining on them.This amazing work deals with many aspect of trials and tribulations, including realising the greatness of Allah, showing humility and patience, increasing in sincerity and servitude for Allah, returning to supplication, hoping for expiation of sins and many other benefits. This work is intended to boost one's faith and aid every reader in developing an understanding on how to better accustom themselves in times of calamities and refine their character.The author, Imam Ibm Qayyim alJaw/syah (d. 751H), was one of the most prolific scholars of Islam. His inimitable and distinet understanding of Quran and Hadith was acknowledged by his peers, while his commentaries and interpretations remain unique in accuracy. He studied under Shaykh al-Islam In aymiyyah for sixteen years and accompanied him until the latter's death. He authored over sixty works, covering a multitude of Islamic sciences; many of his writings are characterised by their touching address to the heart and soul. He was deeply pious and took great care in how he utilised his time."


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