The Three Fundamentals, The Four Precepts & The Conditions of Prayer

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By delving into the content of this booklet, readers will gain a profound understanding of the fundamental tenets that underpin the Islamic faith. Monotheism, which stands as the cornerstone of Islam, is expounded upon, illuminating the unequivocal belief in the Oneness of Allah. Additionally, the covenant between humanity and its Creator is explored, emphasizing the sacred contract that binds individuals to their Lord. 

Moving forward, the booklet provides invaluable insights into the preconditions and requirements necessary for the performance of the Muslim prayer, or salâh. These practical guidelines serve as a roadmap for believers, ensuring that their acts of worship are conducted with reverence, sincerity, and accordance with Islamic teachings. 

This resource is a valuable companion for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam's core tenets and embark on a meaningful journey of spiritual growth.


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